Dinner Gala Registration
Parade Registration
High Desert Awards Ceremony Registration
Prayer Breakfast REGISTRATION

100.00 Vending Booth

To be located at the Extravaganza end of the parade 100.00 Vending booth merchandise/ no food or drinks. After 1/1/24 125.00

150.00 Vending booth FOOD sales.

 To be located at the Extravaganza end of the parade. After 1/1/24 175.00

175.00 Food Truck -FOOD sales. After 1/1/24 200.00

50.00 Vending booth - IRS certified non -profit with proof of registration. You will be required to upload your nonprofit IRS acceptance letter. No selling of any kind in your booth. After 1/1/2024 75.00

25.00 Parade Entry

Lineup starts 11 am at YouthBuild Inland Empire 624 W. 4th St., San Bernardino. Entry fee must be paid for each vehicle, car, motorcycle, float, band, drill team, troop etc. After 1/1/24 50.00.

Car/Motorcycle clubs can register 6 or more vehicles for 100.00. After 1/1/24 125.00

Talent Search Yes, we are looking for talent to share with the community at the Extravaganza. Can you sing, have a dance team, recite spoken word? Complete the talent section of the parade registration form for consideration to perform on stage at the Extravaganza.

Program Book Advertisement 

675.00 Program Book - Full Page 10X7 

375.00 Program Book - Half Page 3 x 9

175.00 Program Book - 1/4 Page 3 X 4 

You will be asked to submit a PRINT READY ad in Jpeg or PNG Email info@blackchamberofcommerce.org 888-466-7408 ex 23